A study by internationally renowned expert David B Warheit further assesses the safety of food grade titanium dioxide (TiO2), E171 and concludes that E171 is safe for human consumption.
Warheit thoroughly reviews the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) evaluations on TiO2 since 2016, pointing out the changing opinions, and examines the weight-of-evidence studies that have not been considered by EFSA in the 2021 Opinion. Warheit also highlights the common concern that to reach the 2021 Opinion, EFSA relied on studies that are not representative of E171 particles.
Based on the reported data, the Warheit study asserts that EFSA made an error in its assessment of the safety of E171 as a food additive.
This conclusion follows the recent reaffirmation of the safety of E171 by international organisations including the World Health Organization (WHO). Other health regulators in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and the United States, have all reaffirmed the safety of E171 for use in food.